Makin hari umat Islam makin ditindas dan dikongkong. Bukan oleh orang Cina, atau orang India atau orang Yahudi atau orang Kristian. Tetapi dianiya dan dikongkong oleh orang Islam/Melayu sendiri. Please read on.
Selepas fatwa pengharaman yoga, fatwa-fatwa yang akan datang adalah seperti berikut :
1) Orang Islam dilarang mandi di kolam renang awam. Di kolam renang awam, akan terdapat orang-orang yang bukan Islam yang memakai pakaian renang yang singkat dan mendedahkan aurat (terutamanya amoi-amoi china yang cun dan seksi). Ini boleh menjejaskan akidah orang Islam. Cara yang paling baik ialah kita haramkan orang Islam dari kolam renang awam.
2) Orang Islam dilarang pergi ke Pulau Pinang. Ketua Menteri Pulau Pinang adalah seorang yang bukan Islam and majoriti penduduk Pulau Pinang adalah orang yang bukan Islam. Apabila seorang Islam berada di Pulau Pinang, beliau mungkin terhidu bau char keoy tiaw yang dimasak oleh orang bukan Islam dan ini boleh merosakkan akidah kita. Cara yang paling baik ialah kita haramkan orang Islam dari pergi ke Pulau Pinang. Orang Islam yang kini tinggal di Pulau Pinang akan diberi elaun pindah sebanyak RM 3000 untuk membantu mereka berpindah ke negeri-negeri yang lain. Perpindahan ke negeri Kelantan dan Terengganu amat amat digalakkan.
3) Orang Islam dilarang meminum root beer. Walaupun root beer tidak mengandungi alkohol, namun perkataan "beer" ini boleh menimbulkan keghairan dan kelakuan tidak senonoh di kalangan orang Islam. Dengan pengharaman root beer, orang Islam bolehlah meminum minuman ringan yang lain tanpa was-was. Ginger beer juga diharamkan.
4) Orang Islam dilarang memakan di kedai Mamak. Walaupun mamak kebanyakkannya Islam, tetapi asal usul mereka adalah India dan ada kemungkinan terdapat unsur-unsur India di dalam perniagaan mereka seperti bercakap Tamil dan memakai seluar dalam buatan India. Untuk mengelakkan sebarang syak wasangka, orang Islam dilarang dari memakan di kedai mamak (kecuali Tun Mahatir kerana dia sendiri mamak kelas I)
5) Orang Islam dilarang bermain ping pong atau table tennis. Ping pong berasal dari negeri China dan oleh yang demikian, mungkin terdapat unsur-unsur agama Buddha atau Confuciusism di dalam permainan ping pong. Ornag Islam yang terlalu banyak bermain ping pong akan terjejas akidah mereka. Sebagai permainan alternatif, orang Islam digalakkan bermain sepak raga (tetapi bola raga mesti buatan Malaysia, bukan dari Thailand).
6) Orang Islam yang berkerja dengan kerajaan dilarang mengambil gaji masing-masing. Ini kerana sebahagian besar pendapatan kerajaan adalah cukai pendapatan yang dibayar oleh syarikat-syarikat orang bukan Islam. Orang Islam digalakkan meminta sedekah dari orang Islam yang lain. Untuk memudahkan permintaan sedekah, bakal peminta sedekah digalakkan mencangkung di hadapan bangunan UMNO.
7) Orang Islam dilarang keluar negara. Terdapat terlalu banyak godaan yang boleh meruntuhkan akhlak dan akidah orang Islam. Perkara ini telahpun dikaji dengan teliti hasil lawatan sambil belajar ke Bangkok oleh Majlis Fatwa Kebangsaan baru-baru ini. Oleh yang demikian, orang orang Islam diminta menyerahkan balik paspot masing-masing ke jabatan immigresen secepat mungkin. Perjalanan keluar negara hanya dibenarkan untuk menteri-menteri dan orang kuat UMNO sahaja, itupun hanya jika diiringi oleh ahli Majlis Fatwa Kebangsaan.
8) Orang Islam dilarang berfikir di waktu siang. Kebanyakkan masalah jenayah dan maksiat wujud kerana orang-orang yang tak ada kerja berfikir yang bukan-bukan. Untuk membenteras maslah jeneyah dan maksiat, orang-orang Islam dilarang dari menggunakan otak mereka diwaktu siang. Pemikiran mereka akan dipantau oleh Majlis Fatwa Kebangsaan dengan menggunakan sekumpulan specially trained monkeys. Orang Islam boleh menggunakan otak mereka di waktu malam tetapi pemikiran dihadkan kepada perkara-perkara berkaitan dengan makan dan minum sahaja.
I got this from a mail so I modify a little and post it as a joke. But come to think of the authority responsible over the Islam people in Malaysia, I think that they might impose all these kind of laws. Funny people. Im beg the Islamic leaderslah, Please let a Muslim choose what he or she wants to do. Please lah, Kesian lah diaorang. In tak boleh, itu tak boleh. Habih apa yang boleh?
Friday, November 28, 2008
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yep i have read the fella's blog in fact i know him personally and understood how his views are like.
as a correction for the way that he has posted regarding the melayu islam thingy,i think it is just very racist.
not all malays are muslims.
i believe that it is the islamic council's fault for restricting the rights of the community with their chauvinistic male authority approach which i think has caused the malay community to be lambasted the way they are.
however i agree with the fact that Leslie Leon,the writer who entitled his posting "Fuckwanisation"
trademarked, actually askd for all youths and those who do not share the same sentiments as the islamic council members to come forward with their stand and voices to crack down this sort of discrimination so that in future, we can ensure that all rights of the malaysian public in general will be protected.
and i would like to stress,the fact that we have 70% malay bumis in malaysia,we can still find the few malays who are free from these kinds of thinking...those are the ones deserving of our understanding and respect.
We are the victims of the way a certain religion has been misused against for the purpose of this minority group of selfish,narrow-minded people.
Poor these Melayu. Imagine you're living under kongkongan by a council. I wonder if they are going to go against the council? The list can cut short to just 1 sentence, which is "Duduk dalam rumah, mengaji al-quran, lain semua jangan buat."
Chalcedony, do you have Leslie Leon's "Fuckwanisation" article? Perhaps you can share with us. :)
ISHH! Im not so into this again for sometime. There's a bunch of crazy people out there who acts like shit. I need to buck up and get myself ready. Amy, its better for me to read more bout xiao long better.
Sue, brace yourself with more Kungfu. Fists and kicks speak louder than words. :D
Yep sure,here is the URL from te facebook page...
Check it out guys ;)
(Amy) Lol.. Aku tengah bucking up nie. Haha. Maybe i shud get Tony to lawan tenaga tangan with me.. To see if i have gained stronger or not.. haha.
thats good..fuiyoo
very hisham rais style..confrontational..i think he admires hisham.
Salam Sejahtera,
I do not know what is ur truly purpose to write all the bad things about Islam, personally I do angry wif ur statement & ideas, but becoz I dont even know u then no point i maki hamun u.
my advise is, we create fatwa purposely just for Muslims, so u tak payahla penat2 fikir pasal life as Muslim becoz I believe u also do not want to convert as MUslim,rite, so stay AWAY!
ko jgn nak campur hal agama Islam..
peraturan agama adalah ukt kebaikan hanya urg yg x fhm n x cinta agama akan menolak ajaran agama..
pertama: kalau kau bukan Islam (kafir), tentu sekali ko xfaham Islam, napa nak bercakap pasal agama org?... kalo aku marah paderi katolik x kawin ( menyeksa nafsu) ape ko fkr??...kalo aku marah sami budha botak, sebab xkasik die ade rambut bleh gaya2 n warna rambut ape ko fikir?..
anda bukan Islam xseharusnya cuba becakap pasal ISlam...sedangkn org ISlam sendiri x semuanya mahir dlm bidang fatwa yg sememangnya memerlukan pemahaman mendalam...
fatwa is for muslims..
wtf org non muslim (kafir) nak sebok?..
bosan ke ngan agama sendiri?
u can do as ass as ur face without following the fatwa rule if u r kafir, as long as x menyalahai undang2..
do it do yoga every day as u n ur family wish... u wont be put into jail....
we muslim not prefer such thing which been told by our expert tht we cant do it...
fatwa is a rule for muslim....kafir x termasuk..
To: Nazri
Hey, u mentioned that u dont have any idea who my friend is and u say there's no point to maki hamun him.
but pls read further, especially all the personal attacks that u made about my friend. Isnt u contradicting yourself saying you wont make any attacks on my friend in the first place but as you go on, you insulted him AND also other religion. Please take your words seriously and think before u say anything especially the "wtf". You may have to eat your words if u have to.
And finally, my friend is not insulting your religion, what he said is based on facts, and he is just voicing out letting us know about fatwa. Do we need permission to know all these facts? Come on. And did he say anything that insulted your religion like what u did? You were the one who started the insults by saying about the priest and the Buddhist monks.
Kepada Nazri,
Pertama sekali, harap anda boleh menggunakan bahasa anda dengan betul. Minta maaf saya dan pembaca lain tidak begitu fasih dalam pengunaan ringkasan perkataan.Satu lagi kalau ada tidak fasih berbahasa Inggeris, tidak perlu mengunakan. " Cause we ain't freakin understand what you are trying to say!"
Saya rasa sebagai seorang rakyat di negara ini, saya mempunyai hak untuk bertanya and memberi pendapat tentang agama lain dan saya tidak memaki Islam atau memperli agama Islam. Adakah saya berbuat begitu? Tidak. Jadi anda tidak berhak untuk mempunyai perasaan marah terhadap saya.
Seterusnya saya ingin, membawa perhatian anda ke point yang anda tulis,
"we muslim not prefer such thing which been told by our expert tht we cant do it..."
This is what you said why Muslim's are not allowed to do yoga. Sorry, please get your facts right. Go and check the Muslims in other countires and then you come and tell me. Another thing, who the hell are you to represent the whole Muslim population in Malaysia? Adakah anda pasti semua orang yang beragama Islam,tidak suka beryoga kerana para Imam cakap begitu?
P.s Lain kali hang nak maki orang baik hang pi baca baik baik nah. Jgn datang sini nak tunjuk show tentang bukan Islam tak boleh beri pendapat tentang Islam. Aku tak fitnah, tak perli, tak main-mainkan. Tolonglah wei. Hang tak kenal aku ok. Hang tau ke aku tau Islam ke tak tau? Hang cakap macam kenal aku je. Paham? Cari benda benda yang aku suruh hang cari, lepas tu mari post kat comment nie. Aku duk tunggu tau.
Oh yes, we are sitting down here eagerly waiting for your reply.. so pls do visit us again..
orait..fair enough..First of all..Sorry for any emotional words that I've written.....
To Melvin
Based on FACTS????????How can you say that? Orang Islam dilarang mandi di kolam renang awam?,tak boleh minum root beer? tak boleh pergi ke Penang?tak boleh makan kedai mamak? tak boleh main pingpong?tak boleh pergi ke oversea?
n the most idiotic, rubbish one is "umat islam dilarang berfikir diwaktu siang"???????????
Are you kidding me???? These are what you call FACTS???????????????? Well, I don't know if you've read these kind of thing anywhere in the media..If there is one...Show me..
For any sane muslims out there...I think they will never, ever read these and say..."hmmmm, i think it made sense"...I feel offended, because these statements depict my religion as one primitive religion, controlling and oppressing its follower in every way it can..
Islam is the a religion and a way of life..We are given complete guidance on how to wear, what to eat, how to do this, which things we can do, what we can't....and etc
Being a muslims, ones should abide by those rules... you can always see..Many muslims out there just ignore this, and do whatever they want..
OK..that's their choice....Rules have been laid out, advices have been given.....
Fatwas are rules that are made for things which has no correlation with the previous rules that already existed in the Quran and Hadith....
Fatwa are not made for things which already apparently HARAM..
For example:-
1.cannot eat things that are not halal.
2.Homosexual relationship
and one more thing
To MC Chaoz
"I got this from a mail so I modify a little and post it as a JOKE!!!."
mc Chaoz....You think one's religion is for jokes????? And you expect I'd read that and just walk away?????
You have no right to make joke about my religion!!!!!!
you said that "Aku tak fitnah, tak perli, tak main-mainkan"....
Oh really????...That's so what I understand from reading this post....
Differences in all religions are apparent...Though you don't agree about certain things in my religion,..Please don't bother to say bad things about Islam ok....Once again I'm sorry for including sentences about monks and priests in my previous post which I should have never done..
What I just wanna say, will you not be offended if someone who's not from your religion say bad things about your religion????????
Even make jokes about it..
Freedom of speech is everyone rights...But it's not a license for you to talk bad about someone else religion....
Excuse me, the person who sent this was saying that this was what could happen in future if BN(Islam Extrimist) coutinue this actions. Ok you read this email properly and I dont know how you interprete.
If its a joke which is meant to humiliate the rulers then you should be able to read between the lines lah bro. Wake up lah. Clearly you dont understand the context, and all you say is I humiliate Islam.
Its the mentality of people like you where the idea of racist comes from. If you see this post as a sarcastic message to the Rules of the country, then you are correct cause this message is for themt to make it like this is humiliation to Islam, fine think that way. You are trying to change the tone of this post and make it into a racist comment.
Clearly you are trying to do so. Dont deny it! People have many ways to interprete a message but the way you did is was wrong so wrong.
Like it or not in future if Muslim people dont stand up for themselves these rules will be implied for real. Im not joking. You dont want to fight, nevermind, I have more than 1000 Islam friends who disagree with you.
I will fight for them and others as well. Dont have to be an Islam to speak on behalf of Islam. Ada niat baik nak tolong cukup. I will do it so that they can also be free and to enjoy and have freedom and as the same time have faith in Islam and be a Malaysian.
It's a joke to humiliate the ruler?
Isn't it not joke to humiliate Islam?
"I'm trying to change to tone of the post make it into a racist comment"???
I recall, never ever putting any racist remarks...
You're saying that you wanna fight for muslims? so that they can also be free and to enjoy and have freedom and as the same time have faith in Islam and be a Malaysian.???
wahahha..that's so generous of you..
baik jaga tepi kain sendiri la yer..nobody ask you to do it..
and one more thing...why are you so, persistent in going against Islam fatwa???????
All of the fatwas and rules does not affect non-muslims.....You can do whatever you want as long as it's within Malaysian Civil Law.....
For you is your religion and for me, is my religion..
Stop meddling with someone else religion..
one more thing..I just wonder why so,so many non-muslims giving negative reactions and comments about the yoga fatwa??
And the fact that they have nothing to do with it..never stop them to condemn the fatwa....
macam kuah lebih dari nasi eh?
Come on la people..Meddle in your own affairs only..And religion is one sensitive issue in Malaysia...
Freedom of speech has the limit....All malaysians want a peaceful Malaysia..
Please do respect differences in other religions...
We're all different..Do accept the differences and respect each other...
But what if Muslims are aganist ii and I know there are. Sorry. this is not jaga tepi kain orang. Its understandstanding and helping others. U dont represent the whole Islam of the world. Okay. So all you have commented I can say speak for yourself.
"Nobody ask you to do". Sorry, I support for those who are against the Fatwa for "No Yoga". Ok Just because you say tak payah, tak masuk akal. Ape benda nie, Islam jaga Islam, Cina jaga cina and India jaga India. Mentality yeang tak boleh pakai dan kita malaysia tak maju sebab itu.
Shouldn't you be more interested in your own religion???
I know that I don't represent the whole muslims..But I'm sure that there's a lot of muslims out there will be offended by reading this post..more than muslims who feel happy when someone make jokes about Islam....
And for the muslims who are against the fatwa...Go ahead..They have their own reasons because the fatwa affect their lives.....Give reasons, debate, and perhaps challenge the government if they think that's the right thing..
What that has to do with you???huh....Outsiders??
Opps...I forgot..You're that kind-hearted, generous, gentleman who care about the well-being of the others....
And one more thing ok...Malaysia tak maju because of this mentality??
Would you say, that Malaysia with ,with the diversity of races, religions and skin colors...will the freedom of speech to condemn other's religion lead to a peaceful Malaysia???
Would you really think like that? It's alright to voice out your opinions and give your thoughts but you have to know the limit, if that will make someone else feel offended..Then maybe, you should just keep it to yourself...
Why bother why some controversial issues?? Why not strive our best towards a better Malaysia?????
ps:-I only bother about this post because it's related to my religion, Islam..I won't waste my time arguing for something which has nothing to do with me...So should you
Its not sensitive, its will be sensitive if we are the ones who are worried and scared to talk about it. I think by discussing this we have broken the rules of sensitivity, don't you think? By arguing this it is not waste of time like you said, I dare question my own religion belief and also other belief, it helps me to be a better person in understanding others culture and values. It seems as you don't feel comfortable about other talking about Islam, but why ? Its right to discuss about anything. If its sensitive to talk and comment on Islam, then Non-Muslims should not be learning Tamadun Islam and Sejarah which has to do with Islam. Why do we have to learn that but cant talk about other religion?
If we're having discussion...everyone will be happy..Nobody will get angry..
The thing this VERY post!!!!!!, You're CONDEMNING MY RELIGION...making fool of it..not discussing it OK!!!!!
Do you think I'm one ignorant Muslim? Never care when people are talking bad about Islam??
Comparative religion discussion is one where everyone sits down and discuss in an moral, and positive way..
It's not where if A doesn't agree with B's religion..Then A post something in his blog..Making joke about B's religion..
I'm dead serious about my religion....Delete this post right away!!....This is just a f***ing JOKE about Islam !!!!...You think I'm an idiot to say this is not a joke??????
why are you so keras kepala hah????When I did make a mistake..I did apologized...twice even...
And you????????
masih nak menegakkan benang yang basah????
And one more're saying this is not one sensitive thing????
Hey dude..I'm so freaking mad rite now..but there is no use in arguing with emotions..
Why are some non-muslims...I repeat again...SOME!!!...not ALL....always tak puas hati with Islam...
why hah????? we never critisize your religion...we never bother about what you're doing according to your religion..We do respect your religion..
Is it so f***ing hard to understand this...huh???????????
Will you only stop condemning my religion when every non-muslims hate muslims..and every muslims hate non-muslims???
and do you really want everyone hate each other????huhhhh????
This is the kind of post...making innocent people hate each other.....
Why must you act like this???? Do you f***ing not understand it...even until now?????
Why must you make me feel like this? Why must you make me feel more racist..why did you do this???
I do have chinese, Indian friends...I'm not talking rethoric....Some of them are my very best friends...
I could not imagine if any of them talking about my religion, this...
And I couldn't imagine if any of your very close muslim friends would feel when reading this...Well, I hope he still feel bad for his religion when his very best friend make joke about it..laugh about it...
It's sad when there are still Malaysian...doing things like this....when even right now, everyone knows that there's no any perpaduan in Malaysia..
It's sad when there are people who only want to make everything worse for everyone...
Delete it. Sorry bro. Its my blog. And there is nothing in this post which could create chaos in the country like you said. Let me remind you I didnt create this post, therefore I cant be held responsible, I posted this blog so that I will be able to get feedback from others. Sadly, you are the only one who are against the fatwa created regarding yoga. Sorry to me I am dicussing. I cant help it if you dont think so. If you were to hate the post, go and find the person who created this blog and shoot him down and not me. Hope you understand. I dont know who is he maybe you can try to ask others and oh yea dont threaten me, ok! Keep it to your self. You wanna disagree do it politely. Dont make me repeatit again.
eh apa ni.. coming in to someone else's blog, bullshitting all the way and harrasing and now trying to command him to delete it? come one, look in to the mirror and ask who u r.. u dont hv the rights.. and yeah, u were too narrow minded and come on, lets face it, ur religion is indeed too possesive and my fren here was just concern about muslim who wished to go for yoga training.. and u maki hamun sama dia..
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