Friday, August 15, 2008

Al -Quran Swearing

Saiful Bukhari!

"With this, I swore in the name of Allah at the Federal Territory Mosque this evening in accordance to the teachings of Islam and as advised by religious scholars and teachers that I was sodomised by Anwar Ibrahim." Malaysiakini, 15, August 2008.

Dude, I think you are a gay! You know why. Cause you are gay! Ahahaha.
Who thought you all to swear on your religious books. Just because "Allah" will punish you after life you dare to this. Religious books are for learning the culture and belief's not a tool to swear and to prove your masculine. the quote u gave says "Islam Teaching".

What do Islam teaching says, use me to swear and to get out of trouble, or does it teach to be "gay". Even if Anwar had sodomized you, u claimed that he did it like many time even in overseas. You did not complain back then, so i suppose you pun suka ke, gay lah tu! So how can you say u follow "Islam Teaching". I respect the different belief's in god and I think using god to prove you is a "silly"act. Lets say in a court, what do you want to say, "Yang Arif. Tuhan adalah saksi saya stas kes ini" Hahaha. So what you wanna call god to testify?

Anyway I think that using a religious book on any issue is morally wrong. Have your say...

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