Sunday, September 14, 2008

From Politics to Racial Sentiment

There has been alot of thing which has been happening lately. Lets talk about an issue.If you all remember, the Ahmad Ismail speech was turned from a political expect to a racial issue. I blame both the politician and also the reporter. I have my reasons for saying so.

First of all, let me say about the, Datuk Ahmad Ismail. News claims that he uttered a phrase which is claimed can stir racial issues. But i wonder, I don't really know what did Ahmad Ismail say because, no other paper reported the news and it was a Chinese newspaper. Anyway based on the statement made by Ahmad Ismail, he did say about "Orang Cina ialah penumpang di tanahair kita" but it was taken out of context. What he meant was based on the Historical things where Chinese people and Indian people were immigrants brought into by British people and therefore they got better education that our own Malays. How can he say that? British gave opportunities to everyone at that time. What did the old Malays did. Just because they were British people and due to the hatred that the Malays had on British, they send their kids to "Sekolah Pondok". Sekolah pondok is where children are being taught religion and faith. So whose fault was it? I didn't condemn any religion and faith, but the fast is that nowadays, people are heading to neo- postmodern theory. Where people are much into more rational and scientific approach.

Anyway why did Ahmad Ismail said those things in a election campaign? Its a little ridiculous talk about history? You be the judge...

1 comment:

KahJoon said...

eh bangsat itu takde Datuk Seri la...samore he's not Seberang Jaya assemblyman...check ur facts...peace out...